Thursday, September 10, 2009

Save Us All...

My interweb is FINALLY turned back on at my house!!
So... I can totally comment blogs now& even post my own random crap on here too! So don't be surprised to see that!
No, this will not be a Twilight blog, but YES there will be things about Twilight on here... mostly anything I randomly feel like ranting about, so, yeah, welcome in to my head (:

... beware


  1. *bows head in prayer*

    Dear sweet baby Jesus, save us all...

    *peeks up at Memory and mouths "I love you"*

  2. ohhh you have a blog!! Fragilelittlehuman posted it in her last post, so that´s why I´m here!
    Blogging is so much fun and your are wonderful yourself:)

    Just one small thing.. the font is really small and hey I´m not THAT old:) But if you might choose one size bigger would be great:)

    Love you !
